Who We Are & What We Do

Posted on 16 Jan 2021 by Admin

German Shepherd puppy

The GSDC of Mpls & St. Paul was founded in 1950 to promote the responsible breeding of the German Shepherd Dog; to procure the adoption of the "Standard of The German Shepherd Dog" as approved by the American Kennel Club by breeders, judges, dog show committees and others as the recognized standard by which this breed shall be judged; to protect, advance and improve the interests of the breed by offering prizes, giving and supporting breed and obedience shows and in general to aid in every possible means in demonstrating its conspicuous abilities as a companion, war, Red Cross, police, herding and lead dog for the blind; and finally to bring together, help and encourage all GSD owners in every way without discrimination against any person on the basis of age, race, color, sexual preferences or religion.

German Shepherd Dogs are a very active, intelligent breed. Owning one is a big commitment and part of ensuring that you have a happy canine family member is to keep them active both mentally and physically. If you have had your German Shepherd Dog for any length of time you have surely experienced “the look”. This happens when your dog is staring at you, ears perked, eyes wide as if to say, “So, what are we going to do next?” This breed is both athlete AND scholar. It is a dog that desires to be active in body and in mind while being with his human partner every step of the way. With one of the best companions in the canine world at your side there are many opportunities for you to partner up and have a great time.

The German Shepherd Dog Club of Minneapolis and St. Paul promotes German Shepherd Dogs, and encourages and supports their owners. Our club holds monthly membership meetings and weekly training classes at the Animal Inn in Lake Elmo.

We welcome prospective members! All you need is an interest in the German Shepherd Dog and a willingness to help our club with your time, when needed. Any member may sponsor you, and upon attending your second membership meeting, you are a member! If you have any questions, please feel free to call any of us.

We support responsible breeding of the German Shepherd Dog, and are committed to providing new owners with healthy puppies of correct type, temperament and movement of the German shepherd Dog.

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The German Shepherd Breed

Posted 14 december 2015 by Admin


Derived from the old breeds of herding and farm dogs, and associated for centuries with man as servant and companion, the German Shepherd Dog has been subject to intensive development. Sponsored by the Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde, the parent club of the breed founded in 1899 in Germany, the cult of the Shepherd spread rapidly from about 1914 onward in many parts of the world. Interest in the breed has been fostered by specialty clubs in many lands as it has been in the United States by the German Shepherd Dog Club of America.

Consider, first, the most important quality of the dog; its character. A German Shepherd is renowned for its loyalty, courage and the ability to assimilate and retain training for a number of special services which is why it is so widely used as a service animal.

He should be of equable disposition, poised, unexcitable, and with well-controlled nerves. For his typical work as a herding sheepdog, he must not be gun-shy and must have courage to protect his flock from attacks, either animal or human. For his work as a police dog, a development which followed upon his natural aptitude for training, he must have this courage and in addition must be able to make use of the excellent nose which he usually possesses. In his work as a leader of the blind, the Shepherd must and does exhibit a high order of intelligence and discrimination involving the qualities of observation, patience, faithful watchfulness, and even, to a certain degree, the exercise of judgment.

These qualities, which have endeared the German Shepherd Dog to a wide public in practically every country of the globe, are those of the companion, protector, and friend. The German Shepherd is not a pugnacious brawler, but a bold and punishing fighter if need be. In his relation to man he does not give affection lightly; he has plenty of dignity and some suspicion of strangers, but his friendship, once given, is given for life.

On the physical side, the German Shepherd Dog has been developed to a point of almost ideal fitness for the work he is called upon to do. He is a dog of middle size with enough weight to be effective as herder or patrolman, but not enough to be cumbersome or unwieldy.

The impression of the dog as a whole is one of ruggedness combined with nobility, of power combined with agility. There should be a sense of balance, forequarters and hindquarters compensating each other in their development. The outline should be smooth and flowing, and the topline of the dog, from the ear to the tip of the full tail, a single sweeping succession of unbroken curves. The German Shepherd Dog is a natural dog, unchanged for any whim of the show ring.

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